Release of Claims and Waiver of Liability

I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assignees release and forever discharge, Simon Davis LLC, FastTrack2, its staff, owners, offcers, directors, employees, sponsors, affiliates and contractors from all claims and liabilit for damages, injury, or loss to person or property which may be sustained or occur during participation in exercise training activities or any activities related in any way to exercise, or going to training or while attending training, whether or not the damages, injury, or loss is due to negligence, gross negligence or any other reason. I hearby acknowledge that I have been made aware and fully understand that exercise and physical activities can and has the potential of resulting in personal injury including death. Despite this, I hearby acknowledge that I accept the risk of injury and I hearby waive any future claims against Simon Davis LLC or its staff and employees for any and all future injuries.
I give Simon Davis and Simon Davis LLC and its related programs permission to use my name, pictures, results, and testimonials. I understand this could be, on a website, poster board or any and all other advertisements materials.
I understand that there is a 24 hour cancellation policy on all trainings with Simon Davis LLC and its staff. If I fail to give a 24 hour notice I will be charges the full rate of my scheduled training session. I understand the FastTrack2 weightloss program is a set monthly price and no discounts or refunds can be given for missed sessions.
“ The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. ”